A Lot Has Happened In The Last 6 Years

A Lot Has Happened In The Last 6 Years

When I first created this website and YouTube channel, the plan was to document my travels around the Philippines and Southeast Asia. I had my first trip to the Philippines [May 2017], loved it, posted about it, got back to the US, and decided to move to the Philippines [September 2017].

Well, a lot can happen in a short span of time that completely changes almost everything.

Not long after moving to the Philippines, I met Chien online and after a lot of chatting we decided to meet in person. We did, got along perfectly, and it immediately turned into her coming to Bohol every other weekend.

Chien & I at the Chocolate Hills in Bohol

I could go into a bunch of flowery details, but I did more of that when updating the About Page, so here are the highlights of the last [almost] 5.5 – 6 years.

A few months after Chien and I started seeing each other, we found out she was pregnant. Omg, from seriously dating to “we’re gonna be a family” in very short order. It took a while, but Chien was finally able to resign from her job in Cebu and move to Bohol so we could be together full-time and start preparing for the arrival of our daughter.

Typhoon Cydney Alexandra

[Typhoon] Cydney Alexandra was born in January 2019.

Covid lockdowns start in May 2020 – No Thailand wedding for us – welcome to the “prison island” of Bohol.

Chien & I get married in January 2021 – Hello WebWedOnline.

Category 5 Typhoon hits us in December 2021 – Everyone ok.

After a long struggle, I finally got my 13a resident visa

Find out Chien is pregnant with daughter #2

Hurricane Madison Reese

[Hurricane] Madison Reese was born in February 2023

I was in a pretty bad accident on one of our motorcycles in March 2023 – shattered left shoulder, lots of road rash, a hard lump to the head, seven days in the hospital, titanium plates and clamps to put my clavicle back in one piece, and healing is ongoing.

So, in the last five-plus years, I/we went from being a single traveler to a beautifully happy four-piece family. I am so blessed with Chien, Cydney, and Madison.

Hopefully, this helps explain why I haven’t posted in a while, ok, a long while.

Anyway, I do have updates and videos planned and will post about those as I have time to knock them out as time permits.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my posts. More to come.

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