Catching Up After First Trip

Ok, the post-trip chaos is starting to subside, and I finally have time to start posting here again. Life has been a whirlwind since I got back from the Philippines. First, a stop through San Diego to visit family after the flight back to the US, a road trip to New Orleans to visit my younger son and see his & and his girlfriend’s new house, back to Texas for a short time, and now back in San Diego for a couple of weeks to take care of mom’s dog, cats and watch her house while she is out of town on a vacay of her own. I think I have been living out of my suitcase for over 2 months now, and that isn’t going to change any time soon.

To say that this first trip to the Philippines was great would be a gross understatement.

To say that this first trip to the Philippines was great would be a gross understatement. I had so much on my mind before this trip that it was blowing my brains up. How were the flights going to go? Was I going to like it there? Was it really going to be as hot as I read about? How was the Airbnb rental going to go?

If you read any of my previous posts, you would see that the travel to the Philippines was actually pretty easy. Outside of a 9+ hour layover in Los Angeles, everything went pretty smoothly.

Yes, it was freakin hot there. Sometimes crazy hot because of the high humidity, but I can thank 15+ years of living in New Orleans for partially preparing me for the kind of weather I was in.

The Airbnb was perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to stay or better Airbnb hosts. Peter and Rowena [and Rowena’s niece, Dyanne] were the best!

And now … I am preparing to return to Panglao, working remotely, and starting a life there that is mixed in with my life in the US.

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Cyd & Maddie

That's right, Typhoon Cydney and Hurricane Madison have their own social media channels and website

Cyd & Maddie's Website

Casa Buang

We decided to put our family updates on their own social media channels and website

Casa Buang Website