My Philippines Adventures Blog

Driving On Panglao Island, Bohol - My Philippines Adventures

Driving On Panglao Island, Bohol, Philippines

This is a short video leaving my Airbnb rental for a drive around Panglao Island on our scooter. Driving here ... Read more
Panglao Sunset Time Lapse - My Philippines Adventures

Panglao Sunset Time Lapse

This is the view from my Airbnb rental on Panglao Island, Bohol, Philippines. My first test of the time-lapse function ... Read more
Getting There - The 30+ Hour Journey - My Philippines Adventures

Getting There – The 30+ Hour Journey

One thing that you have to be prepared for when it comes to far away travels, is the time it ... Read more
Trip Preparation Tips - Passport Renewal | My Philippines Adventures

Trip Preparation Tips – Passport Renewal

I have had a Passport for the last 9+ years but never did have to use it because all my ... Read more
Tips And Warnings About International Online Dating - My Philippines Adventures

Tips & Warnings About International Online Dating

So… you want to try out international online dating? Well, if you read my previous post Why The Philippines? And ... Read more
Why The Philippines & Why Now - My Philippines Adventures

Why The Philippines? And, Why Now?

One of the questions I have been asked by lots of my friends and family is “Why the Philippines? And, ... Read more
Videos Coming Soon - My Philippines Adventures - Bil-isan, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines

Videos Coming Soon

Thank you for stopping by my new website. I am working to get the rest of things set up around ... Read more

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Cyd & Maddie

That's right, Typhoon Cydney and Hurricane Madison have their own social media channels and website

Cyd & Maddie's Website

Casa Buang

We decided to put our family updates on their own social media channels and website

Casa Buang Website