Why The Philippines? And, Why Now?

One of the questions I have been asked by lots of my friends and family is “Why the Philippines? And, why now?” Well, there is a bit more to the story than just the desire to take off to some exotic location for an extended vacation. I’ll first answer this question with the question … “How far would you go to find true love?”

Yes, I am one of those forty-something guys that jumped on an international dating website when I simply became disgusted with trying to date here in the US. I have had multiple dating website profiles, but for me, finding a good woman here in the US was like trying to find a needle in a field full of haystacks. Half the women are looking for some kind of reality show, Kardashian bullsh*t life, most of the rest are bordering on crazy, and the few good ones that do show up online are swamped with emails by so many guys looking for naked pics, one-night-stands, and sex chat, that they quickly high-tail it out of there. The fact that I work from home makes finding dates even harder. And, add to that that I am not one that regularly attends church [I watch sermons online], goes to clubs or bars and lives out in the sticks, and I might as well be sitting alone on a desert island.

Anyway, it was coming up on Christmas 2016 and after being back in Texas dateless for almost 9 months, I said to myself “Why not try one of those international dating websites? Maybe you can find a great lady somewhere overseas. Besides, you know guys that have found huge happiness with foreign women.” So, for Christmas, I bought myself a three-month subscription to Blossoms.com, posted up my profile information, and rolled the dice on finding a woman from somewhere across the big blue Pacific ocean.

Well, let’s just say that when you sign up for an international dating site, the difference compared to online dating in the US couldn’t be more black and white. It was like I had entered a completely different dating world. Sure, there are still plenty of scammers online [I will cover this more in an upcoming post], but the number of women contacting me went through the roof. Every day, I had a mailbox full of chat requests and emails from women of all ages, and from countries all around the far east; China, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, and many more. Now, the hardest part was reading through all their profiles, and pics, and deciding which ones to chat and email with.

To make a long story short [and save content for other related posts I have brewing], after a whole lot of chatting and emails I found a woman that really caught me. We have many things in common and share many of the same values. And, after many months of daily chatting, I figured it was time to stop chatting online and meet this woman in person. So, I booked the airline tickets and the Airbnb rental and started figuring out how I was going to pull off a one-month vacation in the Philippines.

And, now I can answer the question … “Why the Philippines? And, Why Now?”

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