Video: A Lot Has Happened In Seven Years

Hey! Mabuhay! It’s Barron from My Philippines Adventures.

Ya, it’s been a long time since I posted a video or a blog to my website, but a lot has happened over the past seven years.

I know, what the heck happened that I couldn’t post a video in all this time? Well, I’ll tell you

After my first trip to the Philippines, I decided I was going to move there. So, I packed up my stuff in the U S and rolled out.

Not long after moving here, I met an awesome Filipina named Chien. We were basically inseparable from our first weekend together and planned on doing a lot of traveling.

Well, in case you didn’t know, Filipinas are a rather fertile race of women, and we were soon a family of three.

Welcome to the world Typhoon Cydney.

We’ve had great family visits from Chien’s family and mine.

We survived the crazy scamdemic lockdowns.

We got married online since we couldn’t have a proper wedding during the lockdowns

We survived a nearly direct hit from Category Five Typhoon Odette.

We brought another little life into being.

Welcome to the world Hurricane Madison

I survived a pretty brutal accident when a car pulled out in front of me while driving on one of our scooters just after Madison was born. 7 days in the hospital, a lot of titanium to put my left shoulder back together, and a long recovery.

Now we’ve moved into what will probably be our last rental house until we buy land and build our own forever home.

And, Chien, Cydney, Madison and I have built a beautifully loving and crazy little life.

So, in a nutshell, that’s what has happened in the last 7 years.

Now, I am back to posting videos and will focus on all of the tips and tricks I have learned about living in the Philippines.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section, or send me an email using the contact page on my website, My Philippines Adventures dot com.

For more links and information, please check out the video description. And, please take a moment to like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Thanks for taking the time to watch my turbo update video. I hope you have a blessed day, and keep your eyes open for my next videos.

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Cyd & Maddie

That's right, Typhoon Cydney and Hurricane Madison have their own social media channels and website

Cyd & Maddie's Website

Casa Buang

We decided to put our family updates on their own social media channels and website

Casa Buang Website